new Pop-Pop POV just dropped: a sister responds
After reading “understanding my patriarchs: part one, probably“, my younger sister was inspired to write about her own understanding of our grandfather. She asked if I could post it here, and I was honored and thrilled at the implications of having the first guest post on this site be such an insightful piece as hers.…
understanding my patriarchs: part one, probably
It’s hard for me to be candid about my extended family members. Overall, I’ve been undeniably lucky, and I’m grateful for what went well during my development. But I must also address what did not go well, and why it’s relevant to The State Of Things today. My father’s parents are well-meaning and generally pleasant,…
“All men are pigs.” | notes from my laptop
“All men are pigs.” This offhanded comment could not go unremarked by me. Not only is it untrue, but it’s hurtful. It reveals a greater psycho-sociological problem that disproportionately affects vulnerable white women. Those like my friend, who end up saying these things and breathing them into existence. For someone who claims to be witchy,…